Day 7 Gretna to Whitehaven 60miles

A diversion to Longstone to get a spoke replaced. Well done Bikeseven for great help and to Google. “OK Google, where is the nearest bike repair shop?”, came up with the answer.

The route left ncn7 to pick up ncn72 via quiet country lanes. You knew it was country by the smell of the silage. Ncn72 is also known as Hadrian’s cycle way. Whilst i have my suspicions that Hadrian’s chosen transport might not be a 2 wheeled device, he obviously knew a good route when he saw one.

With the velocity of flat roads powering us on, the coast soon returned. We now passed through towns whose prosperity lies in the past. Whilst regeneration attempts are obvious, it looks like tourism isn’t a substitute for industries of old.

Whitehaven’s castle on the horizon turns out to be the ruins of Wellington colliery, built in the shape of a castle. The statues tell the story of the 136 miners who lost their lives in 1910. I was surprised the last coal mine shut in 1986. Even more suprised to read about the density of Georgian buildings on a grid system which was apparently the precursor design for New York.